Pug Dolly entertains with dramatic TV commercial reaction
A pug named Dolly has gone viral after her amusing reaction to a TV commercial. Dolly lives in the UK with her owner, Tracy, who shared the video on TikTok. In the video, Dolly watches a game show, standing on her hind legs. However, when a short commercial featuring a woman appears, she starts jumping and barking at the screen. Dog behavior expert Kate LaSala explains that Dolly is likely experiencing "barrier frustration." This happens when dogs want to interact with something they see but can’t reach it. Their frustration can lead to behaviors like barking or growling, which is what Dolly is doing. LaSala also noted that this reaction may have been reinforced by previous responses from Tracy and others when they laughed at her outburst. The video has attracted a lot of attention, with over 163,000 views. Many TikTok users found Dolly’s antics hilarious. Some commented that Dolly seems to have a personal vendetta against the woman in the ad. Others shared similar experiences with their own pets reacting strongly to certain commercials. Pugs are known for being charming and playful, making them popular family pets. People loving the video have also shared their own stories of pets that react dramatically to certain ads or sounds.