Rawalpindi emphasizes glacier protection for water conservation
Participants in Rawalpindi marked World Water Day with an awareness walk to promote water conservation. The event, organized by the Water and Sanitation Agency (Wasa), focused on the importance of protecting glaciers amid global warming. Wasa's Managing Director, Salim Ashraf, attended the walk along with officials, conservationists, and local residents. They carried banners and handed out pamphlets to raise awareness about water issues. Ashraf stressed the need for collective action to combat climate challenges. He highlighted this year’s theme for World Water Day, "Glacier Preservation," and mentioned the growing global water shortages due to climate change. Ashraf warned that failure to address these issues could lead to conflicts over water distribution in the future. He stated that Wasa is committed to providing clean drinking water in Rawalpindi. Ongoing projects include the Chahan Dam and plans to increase water supply from Rawal Dam to several areas. The agency is receiving funding from the Asian Development Bank for these initiatives. Additionally, Wasa is installing rain harvesting systems on 30 buildings with support from Un-Habitat. This project aims to collect rainwater for horticulture use. Ashraf emphasized the importance of responsible water usage among residents. He noted that Wasa has improved its water distribution system to reduce leakages and prevent waste.