Road spikes found in woman's driveway in Forestville
Police are confused by a recent incident in Forestville, a suburb of Sydney. A woman discovered large road spikes scattered in her driveway, which damaged her car tyres. This happened at the beginning of March, and the woman expressed her frustration online, hoping the offender would be caught. This case is not an isolated one. Other residents have reported finding similar spikes on the roads in the area over the past few months. Neighbours have condemned this "dreadful" act, calling it disgraceful. New South Wales Police visited the woman's home after the incident on March 4. They do not believe there was any dispute between neighbours. A police spokesperson said they have no leads in the investigation and have advised the victim on how to improve her CCTV setup to catch future incidents. If caught, the person responsible could face a fine of up to $2,000. Hayder Shkara, a lawyer, explained that leaving spikes on someone's property qualifies as intentionally damaging property. While the amount of damage determines the fine, serious harm could lead to harsher penalties. A judge will decide the exact penalty based on the case details.