Season 13 introduces Arthas as a new leader
Season 13 has arrived, bringing exciting new content and features for players. Arthas Menethil, known as the Lich King, joins as a new Leader for both the Alliance and Undead factions. Players can battle him in Icecrown Citadel through a series of challenging maps. During a two-week event, players can unlock Arthas and earn items, skins, and additional copies of him. More information on how to add him to your collection will be released soon. A new feature called Army Loadouts allows players to create up to three different configurations for their Leaders. Players can easily switch between these loadouts with a button press. The second loadout unlocks at Sigil 40, and the third at Sigil 50. Loadout sharing is also simplified, as players can copy codes from Guild chat. Arthas will be the first Leader to receive unique skins, with more Mini skins planned for the future. There will also be new Master Skins and details on how to collect these will be shared later. Players can now join a cooperative adventure to lay siege to the city of Stormwind. A new difficulty level has been added for even greater rewards. Adjustments have also been made to the game, including bug fixes and balancing changes. These updates went live on March 19, 2025. Check the Patch Notes for a full list of changes and fresh shop bundles featuring Icecrown Towers and Prince Arthas. Get ready for thrilling gameplay in Warcraft Rumble!