Teachers launch legal action over pension valuation delays
Teachers facing delays in receiving pension valuations are suing the government. This legal action stems from the inability of many teachers to finalize divorces because they cannot obtain their pension information. As a result, they feel "in limbo" and unable to plan their future. David Quinton, a lecturer from Gloucestershire, is among those leading the charge. He stated that the action is about more than just finances; it's also about the impact on mental health. He has been waiting for 15 months for his pension valuation, which he finally received in January. However, he feels that the process has cost him financially and emotionally. The number of teachers waiting for their pension valuations has dropped significantly. Last October, there were over 3,000 pending cases, but that figure is now down to 620. Teachers' Pensions aims to address the backlog, which it describes as complex due to recent changes in pension regulations. Wendy Dopheide, an English teacher, shared her own frustrations, saying she applied for her pension valuation in August 2023 and is still waiting. Such delays leave teachers anxious about their financial futures, especially as they approach retirement age. Philip Hawkins, a retired art teacher, echoed these concerns, describing the exhausting and stressful process of trying to get timely responses from the pension administrators. Ryan Bradshaw, a lawyer leading the lawsuit, highlighted that teachers are entitled to receive their pension valuations within three months. Many have waited over a year, which he argues is unacceptable. Teachers' Pensions has acknowledged the ongoing delays and is working to resolve them, while also stating that staffing is not an issue. Pension scheme administrator Capita noted that some of the delays have been beyond their control. The lawsuit is positioned as a collective effort, aiming for broader changes that may benefit all affected teachers. Bradshaw stresses the importance of raising awareness and applying political pressure for a resolution.