Telegram surpasses 1 billion users, criticizes WhatsApp
Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, announced that the messaging app has reached over 1 billion monthly active users. This achievement makes Telegram the second most popular messaging app, trailing behind WhatsApp, which continues to lead the market. Durov criticized WhatsApp, describing it as a “cheap imitation” of Telegram. He believes that WhatsApp has copied many of Telegram's features over the years. He has repeatedly mentioned that the Meta-owned platform benefits from large financial resources that help it mimic his app. Durov also highlighted the challenges he faces in maintaining the platform's independence. He often deals with legal pressures as he strives to protect free speech. Unlike WhatsApp, which he says relies on extensive lobbying, Telegram grew organically and profitable while staying true to its mission. According to Durov, Telegram users interact with the app an average of 21 times each day, spending a total of about 41 minutes daily. However, he noted that the platform still struggles with security issues. Scammers and hackers can exploit weaknesses, leading to the spread of harmful content within group chats. Security experts have raised concerns about moderation on the app, which can leave users vulnerable to attacks.