Tenants can claim property ownership after 12 years
Landlords who rent out properties in major cities like Mumbai and Delhi need to be careful. A tenant can claim ownership of a property after living there for 12 years without the landlord objecting or trying to evict them. This is due to the Adverse Possession Act. If a tenant wishes to claim ownership, they must provide evidence like utility bills and tax receipts to show they have lived there continuously. If landlords do not act within this 12-year period, they risk losing their property rights. Some landlords have faced prolonged legal battles over this issue, which can be costly and stressful. To protect themselves, property experts suggest landlords take several steps. Firstly, register all tenancy agreements and renew them every 11 months to prevent tenants from claiming long-term rights. Regular property inspections can help landlords keep track of tenant activities. It’s also important to thoroughly check the backgrounds of potential tenants and keep good records of all rental agreements and payments. If a tenant refuses to leave after being asked, landlords should use legal channels rather than confronting them directly. A formal legal notice is the recommended first step. Trying to force a tenant out by turning off utilities or changing locks is illegal and can create more problems. If necessary, landlords can file a police complaint and seek evictions through the civil court system. As competition for urban rentals increases, landlords must stay alert. Ignoring laws regarding tenancy can lead to expensive disputes and even loss of property.