Texas bill may criminalize certain anime and manga
A new bill in the Texas Senate could impact the future of anime and manga in the state. Senate Bill 20, led by Senator Pete Flores, aims to address sexual content involving minors. If passed, this bill may make it a crime to possess or promote certain types of visual material depicting children. The bill defines "visual material" broadly. It includes not only real images of children but also cartoons or animations, including those created with artificial intelligence. The bill's goal is to combat the growth of content that exploits minors. It has the support of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who announced its unanimous passage by the senate. Anime and manga fans are concerned about how this bill might affect their favorite shows. Many series feature characters under 18 in questionable situations. The bill could potentially classify these works as "obscene" based on the descriptions provided. Whether a series is deemed obscene will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. This uncertainty raises worries that popular titles might be banned or face restrictions. The final decision will rest on how the law is interpreted if it is signed into effect.