Texas janitor sentenced for tainting office water cooler
A Texas janitor is now in prison after urinating into a water cooler at a doctor's office where he worked. His actions led to several employees contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Lucio Catarino Diaz pleaded guilty to aggravated assault. He received a six-year sentence but has already served two years. The case began in the summer of 2022 at the doctor’s office in Houston. An employee noticed that the water from the cooler had an unusual taste and smell. Unsatisfied, she started bringing her own water bottle. The woman noticed that even her new bottle smelled bad, so she decided to investigate. Since there were no security cameras in the office, she bought a small camera to monitor the area. The employee set a large bottle of water in view of the camera. Later, she recorded shocking footage of Diaz. In the video, he approached her desk, unzipped his pants, and inserted his penis into the water bottle before resealing it. When questioned by police, Diaz admitted to the crime. He claimed he did it because he knew the employee would likely drink the contaminated water the next day. Test results later confirmed that both Diaz and the employee had the Herpes simplex virus type 1, along with other STDs. Other women at the office also found out they had contracted STDs. The District Attorney’s office labeled Diaz's urine as a deadly weapon. They noted that the herpes virus can weaken the immune system and pose serious health risks. Despite the severity of the crime, Diaz will not be required to register as a sex offender. His attorney stated that Diaz felt remorse for his actions and chose to accept a plea deal to avoid a trial.