The Sims 4 offers 77 Aspirations with bonus traits
In The Sims 4, players can choose from 77 different Aspirations to guide their Sims’ lives. Aspirations help Sims find goals and earn Satisfaction Points by completing tasks. These points can be used for perks and potions that enhance gameplay. When creating a new Sim, players select an Aspiration from 15 categories. Each category provides a unique bonus trait that benefits the Sim throughout their life, even if they change their Aspiration later. The base game offers 25 Aspirations, while various expansion, game, and stuff packs add more options. Notable packs include Cats & Dogs, City Living, and Discover University. The recent event “Blast from the Past” also introduced a new Aspiration called “Sticky Fingers.” Completing an Aspiration involves achieving milestones. Each Aspiration typically has four milestones, which are tasks that become visible only after the Aspiration is selected in Live Mode. Players can check their progress and switch Aspirations without losing their initial bonus trait. For those who prefer shortcuts, several cheats can expedite the process. Players can complete milestones or add Satisfaction Points instantly by inputting specific cheat codes. These cheats require the "testingcheats true" command to work. Each Aspiration yields unique traits upon completion, enhancing gameplay. Traits vary by pack, providing diverse benefits, from improving relationships with animals to enhancing acting skills. Players can add these traits to their Sims using cheat codes. Overall, Aspirations in The Sims 4 add depth to gameplay by guiding Sims toward fulfilling lives, while also allowing flexibility for players who wish to customize their experiences.