Three Indonesian officers killed in Lampung gambling raid
Three Indonesian police officers were shot and killed during a raid on an illegal cockfighting gambling operation in Lampung province. Autopsy reports show the attackers aimed for vital organs, leading authorities to believe the shooting was intentional. The suspects arrested are two military personnel. One of them, identified as Peltu LS, turned himself in shortly after the incident, while the method of capture for his accomplice, Kopka Basar, is not clear. The assault occurred when a police team, led by district police chief Lusiyanto, targeted a cockfighting arena in Karang Manik Village. During the raid, Peltu LS allegedly fired upon Lusiyanto and two officers, Petrus Apriyanto and Ghalib Surya Nanta, all of whom died at the scene. Autopsy results revealed the specific injuries sustained by each officer. The investigation is ongoing, with the Indonesian National Police Commission demanding a thorough inquiry into the incident and the illegal gambling activities. Commission member Choirul Anam insisted that both the attackers and the gambling operation should be prosecuted. Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Budi Gunawan, condemned the attack and stressed that those found responsible should face severe penalties. In Indonesia, premeditated murder can lead to a death sentence. The military command is also investigating the roles of their personnel in the shooting. If military members are found responsible, they will face disciplinary action. The national police have honored the fallen officers with posthumous promotions and pledged support for their families.