Three Nifty500 stocks closed above VWAP yesterday
On March 19, three stocks from the Nifty500 gained over 1.5% compared to their Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP). Closing above the VWAP can indicate a strong buying trend in the market. The VWAP is a trading benchmark that represents the average price a stock traded at throughout the day, considering the volume of trades. When a stock's closing price is higher than its VWAP, it may suggest increasing investor confidence. The specific stock details are as follows: One stock had a VWAP of Rs 620.53 and closed at Rs 632.9. Another had a VWAP of Rs 473.56, closing at Rs 482.4. The third stock had a VWAP of Rs 596.73, closing at Rs 606.1. Overall, these movements may reflect positive market sentiment, as traders often view them as bullish signals.