Three-year-old shares important lesson on courage
A mother, Rachel Gmajner, recently shared a touching moment with her 3-year-old son Lorenzo that gained attention on TikTok. Lorenzo, who was once quiet before turning two, surprised his mom with some wise words right before he went down a big slide at the playground. Gmajner worried about Lorenzo's speech development, but now he speaks well and has a unique perspective on life. While preparing to slide, Lorenzo expressed his nervousness to his mom. He said, "I am a bit nervous up here. But I'm gonna be brave, I'm just gonna be brave mummy." Moments later, he zoomed down the slide, showing bravery and confidence. Gmajner reflects on parenthood and emphasizes the importance of encouraging children to share their emotions, whether happy or scared. She believes moments like these can remind parents they are doing well even when it feels challenging. Gmajner posted the video online with a caption highlighting the valuable lesson Lorenzo taught: it is okay to feel nervous, but we should not let fear stop us from trying new things. She hopes others can find inspiration in her son's advice to be brave in life.