Tukergram receives mobile water unit for clean drinking water
Tukergram is a small village in Assam, India. It has 32 homes and about 150 residents. The village is on a hill and becomes isolated during floods, which can last for several months each year. Families from lower areas move to Tukergram, facing tough living conditions without clean water. The local government identified Tukergram as one of the most affected areas during floods. The village lacks basic services like water pipelines, electricity, and toilets. Residents often rely on contaminated lake water, and many are forced to migrate for work. To help, Unicef India and local partners provided a mobile water treatment unit. This unit purifies lake water, making it safe to drink. It is user-friendly and has been a significant help for the community. Residents say the water quality has improved greatly since the unit was introduced. A local committee now manages the water unit. They ensure the water is collected regularly and maintain the equipment. Families contribute a small fee each week for this service. Clean water has reduced health issues related to contaminated water. Apart from Tukergram, Unicef and partners are working in other flood-hit areas to improve access to clean water. Their efforts include providing hygiene kits and education about cleanliness. These programs aim to prepare communities for future floods and enhance their ability to recover quickly.