Underrated films of 2024 worth watching discussed
In 2024, many great movies flew under the radar. Here are four films that deserve a spot on your watch list. First is "Problemista," available on Max. This surreal comedy features comedian Julio Torres as an immigrant toymaker in New York City. He works for a quirky artist played by Tilda Swinton, all while dealing with tricky visa issues. Next up is "Better Man" on Paramount+. This film tells the story of singer Robbie Williams. It explores the challenges of being in the pop music industry and manages to be both entertaining and poignant. On Netflix, M. Night Shyamalan's movie "Trap" has received mixed reviews. However, if you watch it expecting a comedy rather than a horror film, you might find it enjoyable. The story revolves around a serial killer trying to evade capture during a concert with his daughter. Lastly, there’s "Rap World" on YouTube. This film by comedian Conner O’Malley humorously captures thirtysomething friends attempting to make a hit rap album in one night, highlighting youthful dreams and real-life struggles. As for local TV updates, two Berklee students appeared on "The Voice," with one winning their battle. "The Bachelor" features Juliana Pasquarosa as a finalist, with the season finale coming soon. Also, a docuseries titled "A Body in the Snow: The Trial of Karen Read" has launched, sparking debate about an ongoing murder trial. Check out these movies and shows for some fresh entertainment options this season.