Vancouver landlord wins $522K defamation case against accuser
A landlord from Vancouver, Dave Campos, has won over $522,000 in damages from a woman who had accused him of sexual assault. The legal dispute lasted nearly a decade, from 2015 to 2024. In the case, Campos acknowledged that he exposed himself to the woman during an apartment showing. However, he denied any assault took place. Both a criminal jury and a civil jury found in Campos's favor. In 2018, he settled with the woman for $60,000 after she filed a civil lawsuit against him. Campos, who is also a banker and property manager, expressed his desire to clear his name. He criticized media coverage that he feels has damaged his reputation over the years. He stated that public accusations should be handled seriously in court. The initial incident occurred when Campos showed an apartment to the woman in 2015. She claimed he forced her to touch him and prevented her from leaving, while Campos claimed surveillance footage disproved her account. In 2016, a jury acquitted Campos of the criminal charges against him. The woman then filed a civil lawsuit, which led to the defamation suit against her after she posted about the case on social media. The defamation trial took place in April 2024, where the jury ruled in favor of Campos. The woman, who represented herself in court, felt financially burdened but did not regret her decision.