WA Planning Commission approves City Beach apartment plan
The WA Planning Commission has approved Blackburne’s $200 million Ocean Village apartment project in City Beach. The decision came despite strong opposition from the local community. More than 220 people attended the commission's meeting at The Boulevard Centre in Floreat on Thursday. The project includes two towers with a total of 247 apartments, a supermarket, restaurants, and other amenities. Concerns were raised about the height and size of the buildings, which many believe will change the character of the area. Residents are also worried about the potential increase in traffic with more than 250 new residents moving in. During the meeting, many residents voiced their frustrations, emphasizing the lack of proper consultation. Newly elected Churchlands MP Basil Zempilas mentioned that residents are not against density but want it to fit the local context. He questioned the integrity of the planning process, as two local councils had already rejected the plan. Only two speakers supported the development, arguing that there is a lack of housing options for those wishing to downsize. The planned development occupies a 12,825 square metre site that has been used as a shopping center since the 1980s. The town had previously suggested a maximum height of six storeys for any new development, but the planning director pointed out that the area would not meet its housing targets without higher-density projects. Blackburne plans to start construction within a year of receiving final approval, with the project expected to take two-and-a-half years to complete.