Wichita, Kansas is the best city for single renters
Being single has its advantages, like independence and time for personal interests. However, one major challenge for single renters is the high cost of living alone. Unlike couples, singles cannot share rent expenses. This can be especially tough for women, who often earn less than men. On average, women earn 82 cents for every dollar a man makes, yet they pay the same rent. Rent costs can vary significantly across cities. For example, in El Paso, single women spend about 35% of their income on housing, while single men spend around 19%. New York City is even steeper, with single women paying more than 76% of their income on rent, compared to 58% for men. Despite the financial strain, more people are living alone. In fact, 15% of adults lived by themselves in 2021. A new report from Renthop highlights cities where single renters can find affordable options. Wichita, Kansas, tops the list as the best city for single renters. The median income for singles is $39,336, and the average studio rent is $590, which is 18% of their income. Columbus, Ohio, comes in second with singles spending about 20.77% of their $50,721 income on rent for a median studio of $878. Minneapolis is ranked third, where singles earn a median income of $60,539 and pay 20.89% of it on $1,054 rent. Seattle follows closely in fourth place. Singles here make $85,653 and spend about 20.94% on rent of $1,495. Finally, Colorado Springs, Colorado, ranks fifth, with singles spending 21.52% of their $54,637 income on a median studio rent of $980.