Woman with MCAS faces extreme allergies, limited diet
A young woman has shared her experience living with a rare condition called mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). This illness causes her immune system to react too strongly, making her allergic to many things, even food. She first encountered serious problems at the age of 18 while at university. After eating mint chocolate-chip ice cream, she went into anaphylactic shock and had to be rushed to the hospital. Following this incident, her allergies increased significantly, and she could only safely eat a few items like oats and eggs. Doctors tried different treatments to manage her condition. They provided antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers, allowing her to eat more and engage in normal activities. However, during a trip to the Caribbean, she had another allergic reaction to a salad and ended up needing to return home. Now, after nearly seven years, her diet is still very limited. She can only consume water, oats, and a special hypoallergenic formula. Despite these dietary restrictions, she has adapted her cooking and shares her experiences online to raise awareness. Living with MCAS requires constant planning. She avoids pets and certain materials, works from home, and needs friends to change clothes before meeting her. Her boyfriend is supportive and follows the same diet when they are together. The young woman emphasizes the need for compassion towards those with hidden disabilities. While her situation poses many challenges, she focuses on the support from friends and family and hopes to eventually introduce new foods into her diet with the help of her medical team.